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Soldier Prayer

Writer: Gina MarchettiGina Marchetti

Lift up your heads, oh, you gates, and be lifted up, you age abiding doors, that the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.” Psalm 24:7-8


God is to us a God of deliverances; And to GOD the Lord belong escapes from death.” Psalm 68:20


Prayer: Lord, all power belongs to You. You govern and reign, unchallenged in the heavens. You are far above all rule, authority, power, dominion, and every title that can be given. I/we thank you for the authority and position granted me/us in the third heaven, far above Satan, his principalities, his power, his world rulers, and his other minions. By the authority granted me/us as a believer, I/we ask you that you rain down multiple snares, fire and brimstone, fiery hurricanes, and hailstones, to land upon all the emperors, consuls, their kings, spirits of war, the world rulers, presidents, chief princes, princes, their generals, strongmen, their jinn and all the remaining subordinate evil ones who deny you as Maker of heaven and earth. Let it be accomplished Yeshua ha’Meshia in every time line, frequency domain, alternate world, hemisphere, jurisdiction, realm, and those who are living in or have astral projected into one or more of the bubbles within all of the Omniverse. I/we ask you to persecute these plus all connected and involved illuminati evil ones, their human co-conspirators, and their human sympathizers with fiery hurricanes; make them afraid with your fiery storms (Psalms 83:15).


I/we claim Your word that, “to God the Lord belongs escapes from death.”  I/we ask that You would deliver from danger and from the jaws of death___ (children or any other victim held against their true free will through SRA, sex trafficking, mind control, prisoners of war, all hostages, etc.) Father, I/we stand in our spiritual legislation and ask You to send mighty angels to EXTRICATE them Now! In the name of the True Lord (TL)Jesus.  I/we declare and decree that soldiers and police and all sincere agents who do not bear the sword in vain (Rom 13:1-4), and who belong to You are on assignment by Your direction, serving anywhere there is war, unrest, chaos, and lawlessness in any place in the world are to be protected and set free now under the blood of TL Jesus. Send your holy warring angels to fight on behalf of all those who are engaged in a righteous battle. “Bless the Lord you his angels who excel in strength harkening to the voice of his word.” Psalm 103:20   


Lord, you are the God of the impossible, and I/we speak forth Your word over these knotty situations knowing that nothing is too difficult for you.(Luke 1:37). I/we ask that today you would release impossible escapes from death; impossible escapes from destruction, especially as it relates to all children and innocence, as well as for every brave man and woman in danger standing in the line of duty. I/we ask in the name of the TL Jesus that you would remove, disentangle, detach, disengaged, disconnect, free, rescue, and release from death all those who were or are about to be handed over to the enemy. Let every target acquisition of the enemy be plunged into darkness. Let every plan of every enemy combatant engaging against the people of God be annihilated under the blood of Jesus. Let the forward motion of the enemy be scorched, shattered, exterminated and finished. 


I/we thank you that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Cor 10:4). I/we are grateful for the spiritual weaponry that you have provided and I/we will keep it on at all times (Eph 6:12). I/we thank you for the partner nation of angels that are force multipliers, ministering spirits, winds of fire, working with me/usand behind the scenes on behalf of the mission (Ps 91). I/we declare and decree You hinder, block and break every attack group ranged against your people; You have within your sites, all supporting units of the enemy and  annihilate, shatter, shred, slaughter, execute, massacre, decimate, dissolve, ruin, obliterate, and evaporate, every weapon, from every azimuth aimed at any peacemaker including deliverance ministers. Father I/we ask that the enemies weapons of war will malfunction, jam, and be turned upon their own assembly. Let every demonic satanic, Luciferic and occultic unit be vectored and vaporized. On behalf of each of the people I’m praying for, please prevent the detonation of evil constructs, tools, weapons of mass destruction, Mother of all bombs, viruses, all terror designs. Destroy all evil scaffolding. You are the One who breaks “the bow and cuts the spear in two.” You cause their bows to be broken and their swords to enter into their own hearts. I/we believe that many will be caught away and miraculously set free and extricated, liberated and set free from the grip of death today; they will walk before You in the light and in the land of the living.


In the name of the TL Jesus, we declare a no-fault, zero-defect mission today and every day for the servants of the Most- High God.

In Jesus Name. Amen.


These words were written for us:


Isaiah 45:1-3 “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations before him, and I will unarm and ungird the loins of kings to open doors before him, so that gates will not be shut. 2 I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron. 3 And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name.”


Isaiah 49:24-26.  24 “Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be delivered? 25 For thus says the Lord: Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the prey of the terrible will be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will give safety to your children and ease them. 26 And I will make those who oppress you consume themselves [in mutually destructive wars], thus eating their own flesh; and they will be drunk with their own blood, as with sweet wine; and all flesh will know [with a knowledge grounded in personal experience] that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."


Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”


Prayer: Lord, You are the Prince of Peace. I/we thank You that You love peace, and where Your spirit dwells, there is unity and blessing. Lord, we ask that You would overshadow and strengthen the peacemakers. Bless and cover under the blood of TL Jesus the soldiers, deliverance ministers, police officers, undercover agents, detectives, parole agents, correctional officers, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, marshals, bounty hunters etc... Let those men and women who love peace be put into strategic places of influence, that they may bring Your presence and speak calm to the storm. That they may walk in Your power and authority in the midst of the conflict showing forth miracles, signs and wonders. I/we pray for them today, and ask f that you would still them to overflowing with courage and resolve; that they would speak up for what is right regardless of the target audience and their faces (Jer 1:8). Infuse them with the anointing of Your heavenly wisdom and discernment in innumerable measure to establish lasting solutions. May the influence sweep of the Holy Spirit go before them, allowing them to clear the land, making a tangible difference wherever they are assigned. Everyplace the soles of their feet touch,  we declare it is eternally seeded for the kingdom of heaven and identified as Holy Ground (Josh 1:3).


Uproot the men of violence (Prov 3:31), that they would no longer have success and would not be able to intimidate through fear. Bring them down, and instead fill their positions of influence with peacemakers. Let Your love shine, and let Your peace cover the land. Let the Prince of Peace reign over _____. We stand before You and ask for nothing else and nothing less. We thank you for the glory and the victory through the precious blood of the TL Jesus Christ that speaks. We declare we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and we love not our lives unto death. In Jesus name. Amen.


Isaiah 58:6-14 "[Rather] is not this the fast that I have chosen: to lose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every [enslaving] yoke? 7 Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house—when you see the naked, that you cover him, and that you hide not yourself from [the needs of] your own flesh and blood? 8 Then shall your light break forth like the morning, and your healing (your restoration and the power of a new life) shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness (your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God) shall go before you [conducting you to peace and prosperity], and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, Here I am. If you take away from your midst yokes of oppression [wherever you find them], the finger pointed in scorn [toward the oppressed or the godly], and every form of false, harsh, unjust, and wicked speaking, 10 And if you pour out that with which you sustain your own life for the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in darkness, and your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday. 11 And the Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places and make strong your bones. And you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not. 12 And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of [buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; and you shall be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. 13 If you turn away your foot from [traveling unduly on] the Sabbath, from doing your own pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a [spiritual] delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, and honor Him and it, not going your own way or seeking or finding your own pleasure or speaking with your own [idle] words, 14 Then will you delight yourself in the Lord, and I will make you to ride on the high places of the earth, and I will feed you with the heritage [promised for you] of Jacob your father; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it."



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